What's data dredging
What's data dredging

Ultimately disposal barges or dump scows empty the material at the disposal area.


The rotating cutter-bar uses its sharp blades to loosen the sediment on the bottom, and it is sucked in using a submersible pump.


The dredge operator lowers it to the side of the body of water or its bottom. It involves excavating either naturally deposited sediments or artificial debris such as rocks, bottom sediments, construction debris, refuse, and plant or animal matter on the bottom of either shallow seawater or freshwater. Once the hoppers are full, the process is halted for a while, and the ship travels to the water disposal site, where the unwanted sediments are released through the bottom of the ship. Dredging removes the deposits percolated underwater to clear the water pathway for ships to pass, creates adequate space to construct important bridges, dykes and dams and weed out silt, intoxicants and pollutants from the bottom of the water.

What's data dredging